
Emeryville Emerges As Bay Area Pro-Housing Leader

Emeryville, Housing

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Cities, Counties Get Ready To Deal With Sea Level Rise

CEQA, Climate Change, Housing, OPR, Sea Level Rise

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AG Targets Cities, Counties Over Housing

Attorney General, Encinitas, Fresno, Housing, Pasadena, Woodside

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State Auditor Targets RHNA Methodology

HCD, Housing, Population, RHNA

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Housing Production Laws Put Cities in a Box in Court

Density Bonus, General Plan, Housing, San Diego

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Specific Plan CEQA Exemption Helps Push Newark Project Through

CEQA, Endangered Species, Housing, Newark, Sea Level Rise, Specific Plans, Wetlands

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Neighbors' Opposition to San Diego Project Runs Into Density Bonus Law

Density Bonus Law, Housing, Housing Accountability Act, San Diego

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Ballot Initiative Seeks to Override Recent State Housing Laws

Ballot Initiatives, Housing, Local Control

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Vagueness in Development Code Trips Up Housing Project

Development Code, Housing, Santa Cruz, Slope

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Newsom Promises More Action on State Land, Housing Streamling

Budget, Climate, Housing

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