Featured Courses

6 results

Finance for Planners: Understanding Development Feasibility and Fiscal Impact
$29.00 4 Sections 4 Lessons

In this one-hour course, Bill Fulton explains how planning requirements and practices affect development feasibility and how development projects affect a jurisdiction's fiscal well-being. Eligible for AICP CM credit. 4 parts.

California's Major Land Use Housing Laws
$29.00 4 Sections 4 Lessons

A one-hour AICP CM law class that provides an overview of California's recent land use / housing laws, including the Housing Accountability Act, the Density Bonus Law, SB 330, SB 35, and other important laws. 

RHNA and Housing Elements: The Basics and Current Issues
$29.00 4 Sections 4 Lessons

In this one-hour course eligible for AICP CM Law credit, Bill Fulton goes over the basics of California's Regional Housing Needs Allocation process and Housing Elements, as well as current issues such as builder's remedy, site inventories, and pending litigation.

Will Exactions Survive the Supreme Court?
$29.00 4 Sections 4 Lessons

Taught by former San Diego Planning Director and longtime planing commentator, Bill Fulton,
AICP, this course covers the history of exactions and how the pending Supreme Court case on
exactions could, known as the Sheetz case, could dramatically affect planning practice. It covers
the history of the Nollan/Dolan doctrine, which creates limits on exactions that can be imposed
on developers, and dicusses implications for planning practice depending on how the Supreme
Court rules in Sheetz. The course is designed to:
1. Ground practicing planners in the legal history and concepts behind exactions.
2. Help planners understand the legal limits to exactions under current law.
3. Prepare practicing planners for possible changes that could result from the Supreme
Court’s pending ruling in the Sheetz case.

Eligible for 1.0 AICP CM credit (Law).

Basics of Economic Development
$29.00 5 Sections 4 Lessons

This one-hour course covers the basics of economic development for planners,including:

-- The different goals of economic development (jobs, tax revenue, business growth)

-- How jurisdictions approach economic development for these different purposes

-- How to pursue inclusive economic development

-- How to use economic development incentives

How Parking Drives Planning
$29.00 4 Sections 4 Lessons

This one-course course provides an overview of parking as a land use issue and provides tips for planners on how to deal with parking as an issue. The four 15-minute sections of the course cover:

-- A history of parking as a land use issue

-- How parking drives development more than zoning

-- Donald Shoup's principles and a case study

-- Elminating minimum parking requirements and the future of parking

Eligible for one hour of AICP CM Credit