UCLA Professor Donald Shoup, the father of the parking revolution, passed away Feb. 6 at the age of 86. CP&DR asked planners from California and elsewhere to share their thoughts on Don Shoup's passing.
The city has approved a 13-building project at the North Berkeley station and is seeking developer proposals for the Ashby station. The move signify a big change in Berkeley's attitude toward new development.
The county's request covers a wide range of topics, including SB 35, SB 330, the Density Bonus Law, and quick approval of accessory dwelling units. Local residents fear displacement as a result of the fire.
Housing would be removed form the Business, Consumer Services, and Housing Agency and become its own entity. Transportation was removed from the business agency several years ago.
The 2023 law makes it easier for religious institutions and some colleges to build affordable housing. Some local jurisdictions are easing the path as well.
Ballot measure declaring housing a local matter will certainly be subject to litigation from the state. Other ballot results from around the state revealed a mixed bag.
The small North Coast city is seeing an expensive battle over whether to develop downtown parking lots are required by the Housing Element and try to shift housing elsewhere and retain current downtown parking.