by William Fulton on Nov 16, 2020
HCD, Housing, RHNA
Embarcadero Institute says RHNA numbers are too high and the state should focus on affordable housing. The truth is we need both: more housing and more affordable housing.
by William Fulton on Aug 9, 2020
New HCD data shows California knows how to build for the top of the market -- and nobody else.
by William Fulton on Aug 2, 2020
HCD, Housing, SB 35
Only 29 jurisdictions statewide are completely exempt from the new law -- including several small affluent cities.
by Josh Stephens on Nov 6, 2019
Ben Metcalf, HCD, Housing
For just over three years, Ben Metcalf held either the most unenviable or most important job in California – or both.
by Josh Stephens on Sep 3, 2019
HCD, Housing, RHNA, SCAG
HCD assigned SCAG a far more aggressive housing target than it had asked for: 1,344,770.
by Josh Stephens on Jul 16, 2019
Folsom, HCD, Housing, Planning Grants, Redlands, SB 2
Application process is easy for $123 million in noncompetitive grants for housing planning projects. >>read more
by William Fulton on Mar 12, 2017
Affordable Housing, Fair Housing, HCD, Housing
Santiago bill would backstop federal rule that Trump Administration is likely to dump. >>read more