This is the moment for planners and planning. Although the driving force of recovery is to quickly build back what was lost, it’s also an opportunity for considering the future and how to incorporate resilience and other community improvements into the rebuild
Probably not. Residents typically want to rebuild what they had before -- even if replicating the existing land use pattern creates significant wildfire risk.
Housing would be removed form the Business, Consumer Services, and Housing Agency and become its own entity. Transportation was removed from the business agency several years ago.
In a provocative ruling, an appellate court said that because federal law makes marijuana illegal, Santa Barbara County's approval of an easement to permit transportation of the substance cannot stand.
President Joe Biden is set to designate two new national monuments in California: the Chuckwalla National Monument south of Joshua Tree National Park and the Sáttítla National Monument nearby the Oregon border
The latest legal news in short bursts: Coastal Commission can't allow seawalls on projects built after 1976, ED1 revisions don't apply prospectively, and La Cañada Flintridge housing element appeal is moot.