
Redwood City Can Transfer Redevelopment Housing Funds

Housing, Redevelopment, Redwood City

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Laguna Beach Homeowner Must Tear Down Seawall

Coastal Commission, Laguna Beach

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Fresno County Must Throw Out Friant Ranch Approvals

CEQA, Fresno County

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Fort Ord Project Moves Forward Without Redevelopment Funds

Fort Ord, Housing, Monterey County, Redevelopment

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CEQA Challenge to Granite Bay Storage Facility Is Moot

CEQA, Conditional Use Permit, Granite Bay, Mootness, Placer County

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Brentwood Again Loses Redevelopment Case

Brentwood, Redevelopment

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Not All Well Permits Are Ministerial

CEQA, Stanislaus County, Wells

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L.A. Must Surrender Proposed "Highland Park City Hall"

Eminent Domain, Highland Park, Historic Preservation, Los Angeles

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CEQA Applies To All Enrollment Increases

Berkeley, CEQA, UC Regents

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AIDS Health Foundation Loses Again In Hollywood

AIDS Healthcare Foundation, Fair Housing Act, Gentrification, Hollywood

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Environmentalists Beat San Diego County on CAP Again

CEQA, Climate Action Plans, San Diego County

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Development Agreement Trumps Vesting Tentative Map

Development Agreements, Murrieta, Vesting Tentative Maps, WRCOG

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Not Abandoning A Project Is Not A Project

CEQA, San Jose, Willow Glen

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Sacramento Councilmember Wasn't Neutral In Quasi-Judiclal Action

Conditional Use Permit, Quasi-Judicial, Sacramento

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