
CEQA Applies to Public Railroad Projects, Cal Supremes Rule

CEQA , High-Speed Rail, Railroads

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Insight: What the SANDAG Case Teaches Us About CEQA

CEQA, Climate Change, SANDAG, SB 375, Sustainable Communities Strategies

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College of San Mateo Loses CEQA Case on Remand

CEQA, College of San Mateo

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Zoning Changes Aren't One Project For CEQA Purposes

Aptos, CEQA, Santa Cruz, zoning

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City Can't Punt on ESHAs in EIR, Supreme Court Rules

Banning Ranch, CEQA, Coastal Commission, ESHA, Newport Beach

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Insight: Creeping Incrementalism in Housing Policy?

Affordable Housing, CEQA, Housing, Redevelopment

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Dispute over Gas Station Erupts into Legal Battle in Sacramento

CEQA, Infill, Sacramento

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How CEQA Helped Elect Trump

CEQA, Regulations, Sacramento, Trump

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General Plan Policy Not Sufficient For Insignificance

CEQA, Level of service, Sacramento, Significance thresholds

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Massive Development Sparks Border War between San Jose, Santa Clara

CEQA, Housing, San Jose, Santa Clara, Silicon Valley

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