
Santee Council Can't End-Run Voters on Fanita Ranch

CEQA, Density Bonus Law, General Plan, Housing, Housing Accountability Act, Santee, SB 330

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Fix The City Loses Again On Timing Issue

Community Plans, Expo Line, General Plan, Government Code §65900, Los Angeles, Zoning

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A Housing Accountability Act Win For Cities

Consistency, General Plan, Housing, Housing Accountability Act, Los Angeles, Verdugo Hills, Zoning

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Can Zoning Ordinances Keep Up With Solar Facilities?

Alameda County, Battery, CEQA, General Plan, Livermore, Solar, Zoning

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General Plan Trumps Zoning In SB 330 Case

General Plan, Los Angeles, SB 330, Zoning

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How California's Planning System Is Changing -- Or Not

California Planning, CEQA, General Plan, Housing, OPR

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Housing Production Laws Put Cities in a Box in Court

Density Bonus, General Plan, Housing, San Diego

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El Dorado Ballot Measure Conflicts With General Plan

Ballot Measures, El Dorado County, Exactions, General Plan, Traffic Mitigation

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Court Tells Richmond To Reconcile Initiative and General Plan

General Plan, Hillsides, Initiative, Richmond

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You Can't Sue Over Policies They Haven't Violated Yet

CEQA , General Plan, Plumas County, Timberlands Act

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