At an appearance in San Diego, the Attorney General said early, high-profile action against cities that are "brazen violators" is working. He also hinted at an out-of-court settlement with Coronado.
Some important bills passed this year. But unless the Legislature is willing to take on CEQA directly, there may not be a whole lot more to do on the land use front to encourage more housing production.
As planners from around the state gather in Fresno this coming weekend, CP&DR talked to four Central Valley planning directors about planning, growth, housing, and economic development.
Orange County judge sides with city in homebuilder's attempt to develop golf course property. City says Lennar's builder's remedy application is incomplete
Because 40 rent-stabilized apartments would be eliminated by construction of a new hotel, an appellate court ruled that the city cannot ignore the goals and policies in its own housing element.
In an unpublished ruling, an appellate court concluded that cities challenging RHNA targets can't sue the state. Previous rulings only said that cities couldn't sue their council of governments.