Bill Fulton's UC Davis Extension Land Use Class

Sign up now for Bill Fulton's overview land use class, "Planning in California," offered by UC Davis Extension in Sacramento this winter!

This course is perfect for mid-career professionals looking for a refresher; people working in planning departments seeking professional certification; and lawyers, developers, and citizen activists seeking insight into the process. The course will be taught in Sacramento on Jan. 17-18 and Feb. 21-22. You will receive the most recent edition of William Fulton and Paul Shigley's Guide to California Planning.

This course features the planning process, the role of politics in local government, planning and the regulatory framework for planning efforts in California. Topics include:

• current issues in California planning
• historical overview of land use regulation
• an introduction to the general plan process, specific plans and zoning
• overview of planning implementation tools such as design review and growth management
• relationship of land use planning to environmental review and transportation
• property rights and takings
• local government boundary issues
• redevelopment and "fiscalization" of land use

For more information: