
Legal Briefs: Oct 15, 2017

Contra Costa County, Redwood City, Subdivision Map Act

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Nothing Unusual About Telegraph Hill

CEQA, Conditional Use Permits, San Francisco, Telegraph Hill

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Prop. 13's Vote Requirement May Yet Survive Upland Ruling Intact

Marijuana, Proposition 13, Proposition 218, Voter Initatives

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Prop. 218 Doesn't Apply to Initiatives

Initiative & Referendum, Marijuana, Proposition 218, Upland

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Land Purchase Agreement Doesn't Trigger CEQA, Court Rules

CEQA, Community College District, Wildomar

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CEQA Applies to Public Railroad Projects, Cal Supremes Rule

CEQA , High-Speed Rail, Railroads

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Supreme Court Backs SANDAG on SCS

Greenhouse gases, SANDAG, SB 375

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Coastal Permit Conditions Are Land-Use Restrictions, Not Exactions

California Supreme Court, Coastal Commission, Exactions, Takings

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Appellate Court Gives Malibu Voters A Harsh Lesson

Ballot Box Zoning, Chain Stores, Malibu

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Can Citizen Testimony Be Enough To Support Findings?

Findings, San Diego, Subdivision Map Act

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College of San Mateo Loses CEQA Case on Remand

CEQA, College of San Mateo

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San Diego Can Move Forward With Lifeguard Station

Coastal Commission, Permits, San Diego, Statute of Limitations

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City Deserves Great Deference in Findings on Historic Structure

Coronado, Findings, Historic Preservation

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Zoning Changes Aren't One Project For CEQA Purposes

Aptos, CEQA, Santa Cruz, zoning

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