
City Can't Punt on ESHAs in EIR, Supreme Court Rules

Banning Ranch, CEQA, Coastal Commission, ESHA, Newport Beach

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Napa County Properly Kept Oak Woodlands Initiative Off Ballot, Court Rules

Ballot Measures, Initiatives, Napa County , Oak Woodlands

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Delisting Process Can Be Used To Challenge Original Species Listing

Endangered Species

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Brown Act Defect Invalidates Walmart Initiative

Constitution, Initiatives, Walmart

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New General Plan Trumps Old Specific Plan, Cal Supremes Rule

City of Orange, General Plan, Specific Plan

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Land Use Ballot Measure Results, Nov. 2016

Ballot Measures, Election 2016, Growth, Infrastructure, Rent Control, Transportation

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Mello Funds Can Replace General Tax Revenue

BIA, Mello-Roos, San Ramon

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Future Redevelopment Housing Setaside Payments Can't Be Honored

Housing, Redevelopment

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Legal Briefs

Adult Businesses, CEQA

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Courts Can Withhold Disputed Redevelopment Funds

Redevelopment, Tracy

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Coastal Act Trumps Density Bonus Act

Coastal Act, Density Bonus, Housing, Los Angeles

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2016 Legislative Roundup: Brown Embraces Housing Bills Large and Small


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Inclusionary Housing Powers Reaffirmed By New Court Ruling

Inclusionary Housing, Mitigation Fee Act, West Hollywood

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Cal Supremes Give Lead Agencies Deference On "New" v. "Modified" Projects

California Supreme Court, CEQA

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