
The Paradoxes of California's Fastest-Growing City

Demographics, Dublin, Growth, Housing

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Will Slow Population Growth Help Housing Affordability?

Housing, Los Angeles County, Population, Riverside County, San Francisco

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Chronicling the Life and Death of SB 50

Housing , SB 50, SB 827, Scott Wiener

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Newsom Proposes Shift of Housing Funds

Budget, Cities, Encinitas, Housing, Infill Infrastructure Grants, Newsom

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Congestion Pricing and High Home Prices on L.A.'s Westside

Congestion Pricing, Housing, Los Angeles, Transportation, UCLA, Westside

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SB 50 Density Bill Merges with SB 4, Passes Committee

Housing, Legislation, SB 50, Scott Wiener

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Most L.A. Residents Have Considered Moving Because of Housing Prices

Housing, Los Angeles

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Inland Growth Exceeds Coastal Growth At Last

Central Valley, Housing, Inland Empire, Orange County, Population, Riverside County, Sacramento

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Bay Area Planning Directors Consider "Common Destiny" at APA Panel

Bay Area, Housing, Planning Directors

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"Delivering" San Francisco from Its Housing Crisis

Housing, London Breed, San Francisco

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