
Fast-Growing Coachella Valley Cities Support Unusual Plans

Housing, Local Watch, Paul Shigley, Riverside County, Vol. 22 No. 08 Aug 2007

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Yuba County Approves Controversial Housing Project

CP&DR Staf, Featured Articles, Housing, Vol. 22 No. 08 Aug 2007, Yuba County

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Disney Spins Negative Fantasia About Housing

Deals, Housing, Morris Newman, Orange County, Vol. 22 No. 06 Jun 2007

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Disney Fights Anaheim Housing

California, CP&DR Staff, Housing, In Brief, Vol. 22 No. 04 Apr 2007

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Internal Error: Tax Sale Of Public Housing Gets Blocked

CP&DR Staff, Housing, Legal Digest, Vol. 22 No. 06 Jun 2007

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Poway's Mandatory Bond Hearing Fails To Satisfy Appellate Court

CP&DR Staff, Housing, Legal Digest, San Diego County, Vol. 22 No. 06 Jun 2007

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Q&A With Greg Chin

Housing, Santa Clara County, Vol. 22 No. 06 Jun 2007

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Housing Advocate Wins Round Against Brea Agency

Housing, Orange County, Paul Shigley, Redevelopment Watch, Vol. 22 No. 05 May 2007

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Court Upholds Gilroy's Plan Despite It's Lack Of Site-Specific Analyses

CP&DR Staff, Housing, Legal Digest, Santa Clara County, Vol. 22 No. 05 May 2007

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Homeownership Programs Prove Tricky

California, Housing, Legislation, Paul Shigley, Vol. 22 No. 05 May 2007

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