
The Lawyer Behind The "Builder's Remedy"

Builders Remedy, Housing, Housing Accountability Act, Housing Element, Santa Monica

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Where Did This "Builder's Remedy" Come From?

Housing, Housing Accountability Act, Housing Element, RHNA, Santa Monica

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Neighbors' Opposition to San Diego Project Runs Into Density Bonus Law

Density Bonus Law, Housing, Housing Accountability Act, San Diego

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Huntington Beach Housing Decision Reversed

Housing, Housing Accountability Act, Huntington Beach, San Mateo

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Appellate Court Upholds HAA's Objective Design Standards

Housing, Housing Accountability Act, San Mateo

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Inside the Huntington Beach Housing Case

Housing, Housing Accountability Act, Huntington Beach

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Judge Says Assisted Living Project Is Subject to Housing Accountability Act

Assisted Living, Housing, Housing Accountability Act, Simi Valley

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