by William Fulton on Mar 12, 2017
Affordable Housing, Housing, Housing Elements, Inclusionary Housing, Moreno Valley, Tuolomne Tactic
In the wake of last year's "by-right" failure, housing advocates make a major push in Sacramento -- with more than 100 bills in play. >>read more
Affordable Housing, Fair Housing, HCD, Housing
Santiago bill would backstop federal rule that Trump Administration is likely to dump. >>read more
by Josh Stephens on Feb 22, 2017
Donald Trump, Housing, Silicon Beach
Deportation is — to say the least — the most perverse way to solve a housing crisis. >>read more
by William Fulton on Jan 31, 2017
Affordable Housing, CEQA, Housing, Redevelopment
There's momentum in Sacramento, but not for comprehensive reform. >>read more
by Josh Stephens on Jan 11, 2017
Budget, Housing , Jerry Brown
Brown proposes major moves to increase housing production -- without more state money. >>read more
by Josh Stephens on Nov 10, 2016
Ballot Measures, Calexit, Housing, Trump
Instead of thinking about secession, let's think about the opposite: Showing Americans what California does best and bring them along with us. >>read more
by Josh Stephens on Oct 27, 2016
Housing, RHNA
Yesterday, McKinsey and Co. released A Tool Kit to Close California’s Housing Gap, which offers its take on California’s housing crisis. >>read more
by William Fulton on Oct 23, 2016
Coastal, Housing, Inland
There are two Californias: The dense one and the sprawling one. Can they get along? >>read more
by Josh Stephens on Oct 10, 2016
CEQA, Housing, San Jose, Santa Clara, Silicon Valley
Is San Jose again bearing Silicon Valley's housing burden? >>read more
by William Fulton on Oct 10, 2016
Housing, Redevelopment
3d district sounds weary in rejecting housing advocates' arguments. >>read more