The governor has a new infill housing initiative that includes a proposal to use housing as CEQA mitigation. But this play is only partly about housing. It's mostly about getting transportation projects adequately mitigated under SB 743.
Insurance in wildfire areas is becoming harder to get -- which should be a good thing for the state's growth management policies. But it's getting in the way of meeting the state's housing targets.
Los Angeles-based planner Max Podemski authors A Paradise of Small Houses, celebrating the history and future of working-class housing from row houses to triple-deckers to the dingbat.
Affordability is tightened up slightly but allowable density is reduced. Plus, West Hollywood believes it's so prohousing it will seek legislation exempting it from the builder's remedy.
Appellate court strikes down Anti-SLAPP motion, opening the door for an inverse condemnation lawsuit. Meanwhile, litigation over builder's remedy application continues.
In allowing People's Park housing project to go forward, high court defers to the Legislature's action to override a lower court ruling that drunken noisy students can be a significant impact under CEQA.
Advocacy group is time-barred in challenging high-profile TOC case in the context of a specific project approval. But city must re-do seismic analysis on Santa Monica Boulevard project.